Power Struggle Between Militant Groups of TTP

Invisible hands are pushing Pakistan towards rebellion, from pulses to milk and from Sugar to flour prices of these edible items are gone up beyond the reach of common man. A taxi cab driver in Islamabad has said angrily, ‘only bloody revolution can bring stability in Pakistan, the revolution is the only answer, even if I loose my own head I don’t mind but the revolution must come,’ When I told him that by beheading millions in revolution he can not bring any stability in Pakistan but enlightenment can not only bring stability, can also pave the way for economic growth. The driver started looking at me as I have said something wrong, he replied back sahib every body believes in revolution now, we have tried martial laws, we have tried democracy no positive change has ever came.


Interestingly most of the taxi drivers in Pindi blame president Asif Ali Zardari for the murder of Muhtarima Benazir Bhutto Shaheed, it seems to be a well orchestrated campaign to demonize the president. Now that accused Baitullah Mehsood is reportedly killed in US Drone attack, alleged killer of Benazir Bhutto Baitullah of TTP was reportedly buried in Nargosha village of Waziristan,  his predecessors are fighting to become head of TTP, a property dealer of Karbogha Hangu says that three billion rupees and huge amount of gold is in the exchequer of TTP which has become bone of contention between Wali ur Rehman, Hakeemullah and other TTP leaders, he has said that both Wali ur Rehman and Hakeemullah were killed in an armed clash between both in Waziristan along with forty other militants.


Some 13 groups of militants in tribal areas of Pakistan are busy in armed power struggle after death of Baitullah Mehsood their central command structure has been destroyed, Mangal Bagh of Khyber agency was captured by security forces on Monday and Maulana Fazlullah has reportedly lost his both legs, his father in Law Maulana Sufi Muhammad is now in jail awaiting trial. Print media reports reflect that Hakeemullah has become head of TTP but Interior Minister of Pakistan Mr. Malik says the current chief of TTP is twin brother of Hakeemullah having resemblance with him.


Militant leadership of TTP is now unable to lead any bloody revolution in Pakistan, Pakistan security forces have weakened these militant groups in Malakand division and now are preparing for final blow to TTP Waziristan chapter, but danger from three strong militant organizations in Punjab is lurking upon the head of civil society and present PPP lead coalition leadership, recent killings of Christian minority people in Gojra Punjab over alleged desecration of holy Quran reflects the amount of  destructive potential of religious militant groups in Punjab province of Pakistan.


Economic degradation paves the way for further extremism in society, measures to promote welfare and justice in Pakistani society are need of the hour, cosmetic measures in this respect will further aggravate the situation, solid steps to make Pakistan a welfare state in true sense, end of  price hike, nepotism and favoritism, end of unemployment and underemployment including excessive exploitation, promotion of education, provision of healthcare, end of electricity load shedding, and misuse of powers by bureaucracy and politicians alike are certain steps which can save Pakistan from bloody revolution. 


Submitted by


Abdur Raziq


Cell phone #  00923339607378


Abdur Raziq: My qualification is M.phil US Study (International Relation-History), since long I am contributing to Pakistan's English dailies. In 1988 I came to USA to study US Election Campaign, was awarded with Honorary Citizenship of Lincoln Nebraska USA, I had delivered lectures on US, British and Pakistan's constitution in a law college for seven years, have worked as Principal of a college of education for three years, have worked in International Organization for Migration as Asisstant Voter Education Officer during Afghan Presidential elections, have also worked as Researcher and Provincial Coordinator in Governance Institutions Network International Islamabad Pakistan. I am also a regular contributor to Associated Press of Pakistan, and AFP.
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