PPC Expert “Chad Lieberman” On Virtual Animals with Digital Minds”

1888PressRelease – Mr. Chad Ian Lieberman New York examines the rationale behind digitization of complex biological life systems.

“The creation of ‘virtual animals with digital minds’ is perhaps the next step in simulating the functionality of advanced biological systems, such as the human brain,” Mr. Chad Lieberman began his address as he delved into today’s most interesting futuristic technologies before an avid crowd of tech lovers.

This technology, he explained, aims at imitating the brain functions of smaller and simpler bio-organisms, with the hope that ultimately the same technology would enable the creation of a digitized human mind, which can then be fed in a robotic avatar to create virtual humans.

“Most of this line of work is being carried out through the Open Worm project,” he went on, “which is an open source project trying to digitize the brain of a nematode to give rise to a digital nematode.”

Chad Ian Lieberman further explained that nematodes are primitive enough, having only 302 neurons structured simply, which makes it easier to emulate. If successful, this will be the first digital organism with the brain functionality of an actual life form. “Its success will mean that it is actually possible to do the same on more complex organisms. It will bring us one step closer to mastering the human mind and its intelligence capability.”

The Internet MARKETING expert and technology enthusiast also asserted that this was a great idea, given that it brings huge advantages with it, including the replication of a mature and intelligent progeny to drive massive economic growth and development. This will also enable the achievement of greater subjective well being of man in general.

“The main challenges arise from the fact that biological systems are extremely complex. It’s difficult to understand fully what exactly happens to elicit a certain response from a biological system. For instance, if you touch the worm’s head, what exactly causes it to shift its position or turn its head?”

Chad Lieber additionally explained that additional challenges existed regarding ethical considerations as well as funding for the projects. “For these studies to be successful, it necessitates study of and tests on live animals, which some may consider unethical.”
“By 2030, it’s a safe bet to say that this kind of simulation will have become feasible,” he concluded.

About Chad Ian Lieberman – New York

Chad Lieberman, 6W Website Marketing Coach, brings more than 15 years of online web-site publishing experience. Early in his career, he was a business reporter, covering health care, technology and other industries.

Since 1998, Chad Ian Lieberman has shaped Internet strategies for hundreds of businesses, including FedEx. He speaks at national conferences, including the American Marketing Association, Content Marketing World and Search Engine Strategies.

Chad Lieberman, who has led SEO studies, writes extensively about online marketing for WebPros and Internet Media Connection. He will present half-day SEO workshop as part of Content Marketing World in 2016.

6WSEO was started over 9 years ago, and it boasts a cumulative experience in easy and cost effective search engine marketing services, including search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, online reputation management, linking and PPC management to help businesses of all kinds remain competitive and increase their visibility on the major portals and search engines.

Development of its services aims to suit a variety of business needs, with bespoke packages for specials needs of each client. The company provides the comprehensive search engine marketing solution, from strategic consultation to in-depth reporting systems in the US, Canada, France, UK and many other countries. Learn more at http://www.6wim.com

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