PPP announces schedule to observe chehlum of Benazir Bhutto

ISLAMABAD, Jan 24 :  Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has directed its provincial, divisional and district leaders to organize chehlum ceremonies at their respective headquarters instead of visiting Naudero on February 07.

The party has announced schedule to observe chehlum of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, under which memorial ceremonies would be held in party’s provincial, divisional and district offices in morning of the Feb 07, Secretary General of the PPP Jehangir Bader said.


He said Mohtarma Bhutto’s last speech made during public gathering in Rawalpindi’s Liaqat Bagh on December 27 and especially composed requiem (noha) will be read out in the chehlum ceremonies.


“In addition, extracts from her speeches made in Larkana and Nawabshah will also be read out on the occasion in ceremonies to be held in Sindh,” Jehangir Bader added.


Sami Mangi: .
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