For starting any self –employment business it is necessary that an entrepreneur should prepare a project which is generally known as a project report. In this document detail of the items to be manufactured, its design, raw materials, cost of machinery, maintenance expenditure, staff needed, manufacturing process, location, building cost or rent demand of the products, and all other relevant details are included.
On the basis of these details an entrepreneur decides and plans the project. A project report not only provides the vital information to the entrepreneur about the viability, profit margin of the proposed project but helps him in procuring financial assistance from the landing institutions like commercial banks, state financial corporations etc.
Accordingly the employment exchanges and the university employment Bureaux have been entrusted with the task of promoting self-employment. They not only provide all sort of information needed for self-employment including assistance in preparation of project report but also register the persons interested in self-employment. They also follow regularly the self-employment ventures.
The employment/ vocational Guidance officers maintain a ready list of project foe self-employment suitable for rural and urban areas, separate list of projects for small industry; household enterprises trade, repairs, personal services etc. are kept in the employment exchanges in the country. Projects identified by the small scale industries development organization and its branches and extension centers; the district industries and other agencies are also available in employment exchanges and university employment Bureaux.