President Bush Attacks Obama In Regards To Iraq

While US President George W. Bush does not usually talk about the current presidential race, he decided to weigh in on US Democratic hopeful Barack Obama. Recently, Barack Obama sparred against Republican frontrunner John McCain about Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

McCain said to Obama that Al-Qaeda is in Iraq. Obama fired back saying that there was no Al-Qaeda in Iraq until Bush and McCain decided to invade it back in 2003.

That’s an interesting comment,” Bush said as a press conference on Thursday, February 28. He added: “’If al Qaeda is securing an al Qaeda base – then yes?’ Well, that’s exactly what they’ve been trying to do for the past four years…. That’s one of the challenges we face, is denying al Qaeda a safe haven anywhere.”

Bush said that it was in regards to Obama at the Democratic debate. Obama said that he would resend troops to Iraq if Al-Qaeda does set up bases after the United States withdrew its forces from the country.

“I believe Senator Obama better stay focused on his campaign with Senator Clinton, neither of whom has secured their party’s nomination yet,” Bush added. He has given warning to Obama that he must stay focused on the primary race against Clinton.

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