President Bush returns to White House


Former President George W Bush is set to return to the White House on May 31 to dine with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama as well as attend the unveiling of their formal White House Portraits. Bush Spokesman Freddy Ford said “The Bushes are looking forward to being back in Washington and seeing some of their friends. They appreciate the Obamas’ hospitality in hosting the portrait hanging.”


The former President has avoided politics since he left office in 2009, but in a recent statement he said“ I’m for Mitt Romney.” The former President’s visit will be an embarrassing moment for President Obama, who continues to remind voters of the economic troubles he inherited when he took over.


Mitt Romney, on the other hand, has avoided mentioning George W Bush. He managed to avoid mentioning President Bush’s name during a speech last Wednesday. “Obama was very critical of his predecessor for the debts his predecessor put in place.” he said in St Petersburg, Florida. “He was very critical of his predecessor because the predecessor put together $4 trillion of debt.”






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