Pro Tips for Choosing a Gaming Laptop on a Budget

Gaming laptops are not cheap. Games get better with each day and, consequently, they demand more from your machine with every upgrade. For the majority of the games today, the system requirements are quite demanding. Every gamer knows too well the big dilemma between buying what you need and spending what you have. Compromises are a big part of this process, so make sure you make the right ones. Here are the tips from the professionals that you should definitely listen.

Set the Budget First and Stick to It

It is hard to estimate the price of a good gaming laptop. However, it is hard to find a good machine that will be cheaper than $1000. This can be your goal, but it would be nice if your budget is a bit higher than that. Either way, decide what sort of money you want to spend before heading to the shop. If you take a graphic card that is a bit pricier, the next thing will be a new mouse or something similar. Soon enough, you will spend way more than intended. Especially if you start shopping for additional gaming equipment.

Spend Your Money on a Processor

If there is one thing that you should splurge on – it is a processor. If that component is not good enough, all the others are not worth the money you paid for them. Processor is what makes your laptop fast and other components cannot do their best if processor is not fast enough to support them. Intel Core i7 is the minimum for a proper gaming laptop.

You Need a Lot of Storage

Another thing that you need is storage. This is needed if you do not want to wait an eternity for your game to load or to get installed. You need to invest in some SSD storage for a proper configuration. While you may frown upon that fact that you need to pay for more storage, you can always check out the latest laptop deals as some of them offer discounts. You may end up paying way less for your SSD storage than expected, if you are lucky.

Make Compromises with Mobility and Size

Surely, laptops that are between 13’’ and 15’’ in size are easier to carry with you. On the other hand, how often will you carry your gaming laptop outside your home? Machines with 17’’ and 18’’ are bigger and they are not that convenient to have on you at all times. On the other hand, they are faster and have some good performances. You would rather play on a bigger screen, right?

Pick the Graphic Card Carefully

Hooking up your gaming rig with a proper graphics card for gaming has been one of the most important things to do. The same goes for gaming laptops. For all the new titles, it does not pay off to buy a laptop with a resolution lower than 1920 x 1080. In order for that sort of graphic to work well and smoothly, you need a strong graphic card. nVidia is always a good choice. However, while the most games are available on nVidia 970M, your game in 4K resolution will require a 980M.

There is always a struggle between AMD and Intel or nVidia and AMD. Suggestions here are not final, since you may want to opt for a different manufacturer. If you have good experiences from the past – go for it, especially if that works for your budget.

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