There has been so much spin on American politics as of late with respect to both mainstream and citizen powered journalist comparing "conservative" American views and "liberal" views. Or "right-wing" and "left-wing."
But the most confusing term of all are those that are actually pushing for acknowledgement of "marriage" for gay individuals in this country (when interference by the government in mandating the licensure of such personal relationships was questionable to begin with, other than bigamy laws, and court provisions for "breach" of those contracts in the event of dissolution), global warming, world government under the U.N. umbrella as ultimate authority in foreign affairs matters, and continued alliances with foreign nations that have placed this country at greater and greater risk with respect to the Middle East "problem."
And that is in stating that these individuals are "progressives." And proud of it, labeling those that hold with the U.S. Constitution and true conservatism as somehow old fashioned and outdated.
A document, after all, that was based on the Magna Carta, which preceeded it by several hundred years, and is based upon civil and criminal common laws that have in essence remained unchanged throughout time.
Such as the right to trials by jury, freedom of speech and religion, the right to bear arms for defense of your person or property, mandated warrants for any and all searches of citizens homes, personal effects or possessions.
Such rights do not change over time. That is why the founders stated that those rights were "unalienable." Progressives, however, believe that the U.N. and socialized world government is much more "progressive" than giving much bearing to that antiquated document containing all those "God given" and natural rights.
In fact, they would wish this country was in harmony with the world, and that the Global Board of Directors, like those in the G-20, are much better suited to direct this country and its future, than as a sovereign nation dedicated to the tenents of freedom and liberty upon which it was founded in the original war which was undertaken in order to break free from just such "progressively" foreign and uninterested dictates and mandates as those I am sure will be coming out of this Pittsburgh meeting of the world socialists, including Mr. Obama.
"Go global" isn’ progress at all, it is regression with respect to the history of this nation and its roots. We are not Canada, Great Britain, Australia or China. In fact, more like Scotland who fought their own war prior to ours to break free of British rule.
However, we are now in the Middle East and continue to remain there primarily due to a British accord (the Balfour Doctrine) signed at the turn of the century in the wake of World War I that was entered into between a British Lord and a banker and Zionist, Baron Rothchild, which has now progressively continued to put the American people and this country at risk now over 60 years after World War II.
In fact, that demonstrates just how far and long this country has been regressing under the "progressive" One World Government leaderships of both the mainstream political parties in this country, the Democrats and Republicans. Whose true party affiliations should be clarified for who they actually are. The Global Socialist Party.
And even the definitions of "conservative" and "liberal" which are now being used by the mainstream media have more British roots in their definitions of "conservatism." With Fox TV now being labeled a "conservative" network.
When it is more along the British lines and definition of "Conservative." After all, it is owned by a Brit, Rupert Mudoch. who simply naturalized in this country in order to promote his political beliefs, and buy up most of the media that the Israeli lobby didn’t already own in this country.
So "progressives" it is really you who we need to thank for the continued desecration of both our intended form of government and Constitution, and also this piss poor economy, loss of jobs, homes, and economic meltdown.
The British are even buying up now the homes in the French Quarter of New Orleans listed by Sotheby’s, and now own a share in one of the largest nuclear generating stations in this country servicing both Arizona and California, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.
Not all progress is good.
Especially not when it is merely another politically incorrect term for "regression."