Promotion Of New Movie Karzz

Himmesh Reshammiya the singer and Actor is back in his new "Karzz" the remake of old movie "Karzz".In the first movie of Himmesh Reshammiya in which he was actor and singer both and this movie also he is singer and actor both.In his first movie he helped some Auto Rickshaw drivers as he was having some scenes with Auto Rickshaw.But now there is nothing like this in new movie Karzz.But Himmesh Reshammiya is going to organised a special show for all Taxi and Auto Rickshaw Drivers for his new movie Karzz for free.He believes that he is having a large Taxi Drivers Fans and because of them and their support he is going to take this step.With this decision the Producer of the movie Bhushan Kumar is happy and they are soon going to organised this show for the.I think this is the most good step to promote his new movie "Karzz" among more people.

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