The threat of an overcast skies has not dampened the spirits of thousands of people who flooded the streets of downtown Los Angeles today in observance of Labor Day and to press comprehensive immigration reform for at least 12 million illegal immigrants which failed to pass Congress during the Bush administration.
This developed as a group of Minutemen also bore placards to protest the presence of illegal immigrants in the United States and told them to go back to their own countries because according to them they don’t belong to United States. As a result, commotion and heated verbal exchange of words ensued.
The issue on the failed comrehensive immigration reform is again slowly coming into the spotlight even as the country is reeling from the effects of the economic recession. Despite a lot of problems that now hound the present administration, President Obama is set to tackle the hotly debated and sensitive immigration reform next month. But this early, many conservatives are already fuming mad at this time when the White House should have attended first to serious economic matters.
In fact, conservatives said the country is already suffering from high unemployment rate. They had reasoned out that legalizing the millions of illegal immigrants now in various parts of America would be competing to the already scarce jobs in the labor markets. There is no question about it. What they are saying might be true considering that many American and legal citizens are unemployed at this time. Another reason is that giving the millions of illegal immigrants to become citizens would mean stepping on the shoes of those who have waited for too long to get their citizenship.
However, it didn’t cross the mind, perhaps, of the conservatives and critics how much money the federal government needs at this point in time, when there is economic recession and the budget deficit is ballooning into unprecedented proportions. Nobody is certain what President Obama has in mind when he said he is going to tackle immigration problems next month. One thing for sure is that the federal government can raise huge sums of money from immigration fees and penalties that the millions of illegal immigrants will pay to the government once they are allowed to come out from the shadows. Isn’t it fair enough that these millions of human beings, should be given the chance to become part of the American society, by requiring them to pay for violating immigration laws?
Delving into the issue of giving them the opportunity to become US citizens is a little bit unacceptable to those who are already scouring for jobs in the labor markets. But at least, giving them the proper work permits for the required number of years before they can apply for permanent residence might be a possible option for reconsideration. Of course, those with felonies and other crimes should be subjected to deportation, after they are given their day in the proper courts.
Some civil rights groups said that the idea of sending them back to their respective countries is one way of declogging the labor markets here. But how much do you think it will cost the government in terms of money and resources to rounding up all these guys? they asked. Rather than haul them away, the federal government can just exhaust all means to legalize them, after requiring them to pay all the necessary fees and fines and other penalties. Then, they maybe allowed to wait until the time is ripe for them to apply for permanent residents in United States.
While the government is discussing the possibility of pushing through with the much needed immigration reforms, strengthening the border should also be given priority.
Meanwhile, many people are not happy that immigration reforms have not been properly addressed before. They said it’s time for the new president to act as one of the welcome changes in his public policies.
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