Srinagar, September 07 (Scoop News) – JK Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Friday said that pubic empowerment is right initiative to ensure good governance and bring in transparency in the functioning of administration.
Omar said that from the day one his government has focused attention on this and on the aspect of strengthening of institutions to give authority to people to make government answerable and accountable before them.
“We have given power to the commoner to ask any question to the administration about its performance, financial transactions, allotment of tenders, expenditures made, physical status of works on ground etc,” he said adding that all government departments have been brought under the scanner of common people.
The Chief Minister said that by the implementation of historic Public Service Guarantee Act, his government has authorized people to receive over 50 public services in eight vital departments within a prescribed time frame making the government functionaries responsible to deliver these in that fixed time limit. “Any laxity or failure on the part of government functionary in delivering these services makes him liable for a fine up to Rs. 5000 and a part of which is to be paid to the affected consumer”, he said adding that this has brought topsy-turvy in the system. “The consumer is now in a position to receive the compensation for delay in getting the demanded public service instead of paying bribe for getting his work done”, he explained.
Interacting with various deputations and individuals at his Friday Awami Mulakat here, the Chief Minister said that peace with development is his endeavour for progressive
The Chief Minister said that special attention is being paid for the upliftment of far-flung, remote and kandi villages and bring these at par with developed ones in the availability of basic amenities and economic welfare. He said focus is on upgrading road communication in these areas and linking up cut-off habitations with main highways.
Omar said that his government has paid equal attention to the development of cities and towns adding that scores of new schemes have been initiated to upgrade amenities in the urban areas. He said besides over a dozen of new bridges under execution in
Similarly construction of 4th bridge over River Tawi, a flyover and artificial lake is in progress in
Omar said that universalization of education and health care facilities has been catapulted during last three and a half years in the State and further thrust is being given to this stupendous task to achieve targeted goals in these sectors.
Talking to a deputation from Pahalgam led by Bashir Ahmad Pamposh, the Chief Minister said that safeguarding tourist resorts and making them more attractive for tourists is the thrust area in the government’s tourism development policy. He said that clear cut instructions have been passed on to the concerned departments and development authorities regarding conservation and protection of natural beauty and ecology of the State while implementing the schemes for tourism development.
The deputations who called on the Chief Minister today included a deputation from Isgandarpora (Budgam) which highlighted the demands relating to the upgradation of roads and health facilities in the area. The deputations from Beerwa, Handwara, Rafiabad, Wattergam, Uri,
The deputations of Contractors’ Association, Defence Contractors Union, Namberdars Association, National Federation of Blind, Physicians Association, Federation of Chamber of Sick Industries, Social Welfare Advisory Board, IMPA, Low Paid Employees’
Scores of individuals who also met the Chief Minister brought to his notice the matters of their personal nature and sought Chief Minister’s intervention in redressal of their grievances.
The Chief Minister gave patient hearing to all the deputations and individuals. He issued on spot directions for the matters of urgent public interest while others were forwarded to the concerned quarters for immediate examination and necessary action.
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