This aliveness, that is flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that you find your self flowing through, is who "you" are; it is your self, the heart of existence, the divine one of all time, the "you" of you, the seer. It is also the one that arises as the many; the one that gives birth to and sustains all manifestation; the one that is completely beyond the beyondness of all arisings; the ineffable one that just is.
Yet this one is entering its own manifestation with greater and greater clarity, fullness and purity of itself – the puissance of itself – through the very mindbody that you find your self flowing through right now. There is no "other" – this one is who you are and you will come to realize this one as this "you" of you when you come to the place of being deeply at rest at and as this one that is flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that you would otherwise mistake yourself to be.
Pure awareness, pure seeing, pure being is who "you" are – this purity of this isness is what frees you completely from being lost in and trying to be what this "you" is flowing through.
It is the very motion of seeing that is flowing through your eyes right now – the seer. This flow of the motion of aliveness is the actual "central point" of the divine connection of "you" to you, as you find your self here and travelling around through this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved in.
This impersonal and solid rocklike mass of nothingness that contains more than everything, completely independent of all arising and from which all things arise, is the one who is seeing through the eyes of this mindbody. Until you realize your self – this divine one that "you" are; the very heart of existence itself – you are going to be forever and falsely in search of it.
First, you have to actually find this "you" that is already right here – it is flowing through your eyes and it is the happening thing that is "before" all other arisings, including the arising of the mind and the mindbody that this one is flowing through.
Second, you must stop at and as this one that is this "you".
Third, you come to being deeply at rest in this "you" of you by staying "stopped" at and as this one – instead of furthering out from where "you" already are, which automatically occurs the moment you are inattentive to your self.
Fourth, you learn to move from this place of "you" while the dance of life continues to be danced through this mindbody that you find your self flowing through.
Fifth, you watch the mindbody unravel of its mind informancy while you remain in place as this "you" of you, free of everything that is going on.
Sixth, you begin to become deliriously happy in the energetic beingness of this heart of existence that is this "you" that you have begun to live on a momentary and daily basis.
Seventh, you begin to awaken to how anything that you are up to at all – in terms of finding this "you" of you; in terms of you recognising anything about this "you" of you – is only more of the subtleties of the notyou-ness at play; you awaken to the immensity of this nothingness of the everythingness that is who you are.
You will not learn to do all of this over night – which is a bit of a shame really; that would have you stabilised in your freedom and your love – not the love of a mind informed mindbody which falls well short of the mark; that would have you being this love to all "others" of this same one that is this "you" of you.
However, to compensate for this incremental and step by step learning that flowers from learning to leave alone what is notyou, you have the delightfulness of the conscious journey of self discovery to travel – you have the wonderment of waking up to all of this for yourself.
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