Some Quality In House Treatments for Osteoporosis

Lately, we have been hearing a lot about osteoporosis. The rise in case of osteoporosis, a big proportion of which constitutes women past their menstrual age, is concerning and needs more attention. As for health practitioners and researchers, the weakening of bones, to the point they become brittle even from minor stress is caused due to various reasons. People in general, also know this disease as a problem where your bones become thin and lose their inner bone mass. Osteoporosis usually affects through fractures and cracks in bones. If we talk about fractures related to osteoporosis, they usually occur in wrist, hip and in severe cases can also affect the spine.

However, both men and women can suffer from osteoporosis but the rate is relatively higher among women who have crossed their menstrual age.

What causes Osteoporosis?

So the question is what exactly causes bone thinning or osteoporosis? As per medical and health experts, most cases of osteoporosis are caused due to aging, body weight, lack of menopause and sex hormones, excessive smoking or drinking, and reactions from certain medicines. What basically happens is, bones being a living tissue constantly keep on evolving through formation of new bone tissues and bone desorption takes place. However, when these two major functions suffer from imbalance, your bones eventually undergo thinning and experience a loss in bone density. If people in your family have been affected by osteoporosis, you are more likely to inherit the disease.

Ayurvedic treatments for Osteoporosis:

Ayurvedic practitioners view the overall skeletal system and bones as a part of Vatadosha, which manages the movement in the entire body. It is Vata that stimulates other doshas. Agni in your body fat enables digestion and nutrient supply to asthi (bone). In order to ensure health of your joints it is very important for ashtidhatu to function properly.

Herbal Help

  • Triphala:

The herbal combination of haritaki, amalaki, and bibhitaki is commonly used by ayurvedic professionals to treat various bone disorders. The formula has been very beneficial in treating colon which plays a vital part in nourishing the bones.

  • Guggul:

Guggul is known to treat cholesterol and intensify the growth of bone density.

  • Sesame Seeds:

Sesame seed tonic can work wonders to cure any bone and teeth ailments. Black seed sesame is considered the most effective in treating such problems.

  • Amalaki:

An easily accessible fruit in India, Amalaki is known to restore lost tissues. Ingested either in powdered form, in the form of a puree or as a sweet can be helpful for people with osteoporosis.


When it comes to problems like osteoporosis, exercise may sound like a stressful option. For most people think any sort of movement or stress on your bones may cause them to crack. However, ayurvedic treatment encourages practices like mild yoga.

Yoga is considered an effective exercise for patients with osteoporosis. People with osteoporosis, must stick to certain postures that are not too hectic for your skeletal structure. If you want to achieve the desired results, that is, abundant production of bone mass, yoga must be regularly practiced for at least 30 minutes every day.


The word meditation itself infuses calmness and harmony; for problems like osteoporosis it creates a subtle equilibrium. The effectiveness of meditation might be questioned, but it has been proven to dramatically improve bone health and problems associated with osteoporosis. The best thing about meditation is it won’t just cure your problem but your mind, body and soul. It alleviates hormonal balance and with the mental and physical stability the body naturally experiences an improved recovering process for the bones. Apart from meditation, good amount of quality sleep is also essential in getting things right. The number of hours one sleeps during the night matter the most since it is that time of the day when your body metabolizes significantly. Bring all the things of your bedroom in order. Make sure to read the reviews for best mattress before buying a new one if your existing one needs a replacement. The effects of meditation will only be reaped if other things are brought in serenity.

Calcium through diet

Not many people are comfortable with the idea of using calcium tablets to maximize calcium count in their body, which is considered essential for healthy and strong bones. If you are one such person then utilizing ayurvedic and natural sources is the best treatment for problems like osteoporosis.  Milk from cows, goat or soy can be a natural resource to boost calcium in your body.  Almonds soaked in milk or water, overnight are a method tried by people for centuries. You can soak them, peel and grind these almonds to a paste, eating this soaked almond paste every morning can naturally provide your body with the required supply of calcium.

While osteoporosis lurks around as a danger that is affecting people in great numbers, it is very important for people to understand the problem to its core. There are a number of treatments that can provide relief to patients suffering from this bone wrecking problem. In order to reduce the probability of osteoporosis or any such bone problems it is very important to maintain a healthy life style.

MuhammadBilalShahid: A passionate digital marketeer, a reporter, journalist and an analyst who loves to research and write on the prevailing trends.
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