Current health records reveal very encouraging information: Many people quit smoking, and a lot others reduce the number of cigarettes that they consume. Still, young people of today do not give serious attention to the very familiar health warning that cigarette smoking is dangerous to one’s health. Let’s make it more curt and precise: Smoking curtails life!
If nothing can make you quit smoking, fear probably will. Indeed the scientific evidence that points to smoking as a major cause of a shortened life should inspire fear in those who smoke. And for non-smokers, the realities should make them think real hard about ever lighting that very first stick.
Have you really paid attention to the many ways how smoking can shorten your life? Here’s a rundown of the different causes of death brought about by smoking regularly – and read closely: coronary artery disease, cerebral vascular lesions, heart diseases, lung cancer, pulmonary disease, duodenal and gastric ulcer, cancer of the mouth or larynx, circulatory diseases, Buerger’s disease, aneurysm, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer of the bladder; add to that accident, violence, and even suicide. The list can go on.
While it is true that there are fewer smokers today, these people actually smoke more cigarettes per day on the average. One reason for this increase in average consumption could be the filter in cigarettes. Because filters take away some of the nicotine and tars, the cigarette’s "flavor" is substantially reduced. Hence, many smokers feel less satisfied with every stick that they light – and so, they smoke more of these filter cigarettes in order that they obtain that certain degree of contentment they desire.
Studies conducted on those who used to smoke regularly revealed that their chances of contracting serious health disorders from smoking gradually declined after they quit smoking. For those who have smoked no more than one pack of cigarettes in a day, the prospects are bright. But just breaking this habit of smoking can have positive effects on even those who smoke heavily.
How can a regular smoker quit smoking successfully? Is there a sure way to prevail over this nasty habit? The urge to smoke is simply too strong that, in most instances, even a steadfast intention may not be enough to break the habit. Pills, sprays, gum or patches don’t work either; in fact, these nicotine-replacement products pose some risks of addiction and they have side effects that need to be noted carefully: pain and whirling sensation in the head, weakness of the muscles, sullied vision, itchy skin, and upset stomach.
The decision to quit smoking should be strengthened by such reasoning that gives emphasis on the greater benefits of quitting as contrasted with the temporary satisfactions that smoking brings. If you are tired of trying and failing to quit smoking, be glad to know that there is an amazing system that can make you quit smoking successfully – and make you stop ever wanting to smoke ever again.
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using nicotine-replacement products that are themselves addictive? Learn how to quit smoking successfully – and how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again – with the amazing system. Visit Easy Quit System at Therapy to Quit Smoking Successfully.
For more health information, visit Round the Clock Health Guide.