4th June 2014 in the newspaper “Izvestia” (that’s translated as news) an article about meeting of the newly elected president of Ukraine Ms. Poroshenko with the US president Obama was published. The title of this article makes at least blood boil: “Five millions in wedding basket: journalist Michael Shahnazarov about meeting of two chocolate kings».
Maybe it wouldn’t pay attention on such a frankly racist meaning of statement and other utterances of similar vein in this article, but there is just one shag! The newspaper “Izvestia” is not local yellow tabloid, but the reputable national daily newspaper, which is as a matter of fact a mouthpiece of state authorities of the Russian Federation.
Racism’ and xenophobia’ demonstrations that have already become an ordinary use in the Russian society for a long time, accept now character of official state policy. And I will not be surprised, if concerning Mrs. Merkel we read the words of “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” in the Russian Mass Media that quite fits with system of values of Ms. Putin regime.
Read all text: http://izvestia.ru/news/571983