Ralph Nader Finds VP Running Mate In Matt Gonzalez

Ralph Nader, who had announced his independent bid for the US White House has named a running mate. He has picked Matt Gonzalez who was the former president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. This is Nader’s fourth bid for the US presidency; fifth, if the 1992 write-in was included.

He has been accused by the Democrats of being a spoiler. Back in 2000, Nader was blamed for 2000 US Democratic nominee Al Gore’s defeat at the hands of current US President George W. Bush. In 2004, Nader was also blamed for contributing to the defeat of 2004 US Democratic nominee John Kerry.

In the term of Nader’s current running mate, he said that Gonzalez is unyielding in his principles with humane logic.

He’s demonstrated – through his legal, civic, and political career – his steadfast commitment to the values and directions that have characterized my work and hopes for our country and its role in the world,” Nader said speaking highly of Gonzalez.

Until 2005, Gonzalez served as the president of that board. Back in 2003, Gonzalez had run against current San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom. It was a marginal loss where Gonzalez had lost by six percent. Newsom had defeated Gonzalez by 53 to 47 percent back in 2003.

Before 2000, Matt Gonzalez was a deputy public defender. He said that his political policies are attributed to his work as a public defender.

Gonzalez in regards to being picked as Nader’s running mate said: “I have no illusions about what is happening here today. I understand what stands before us. But let me also say, I have never run in a political contest with the idea that it couldn’t be won.”

He also addressed criticism from Democrats saying that all they will do is take votes away from the eventual Democratic nominee whether if it is Clinton or Obama.

In that respect, Gonzalez would say: “There is nothing that we can do that can force anybody to vote for us but we very much want the opposite not to be true. That anybody who wants to vote for us should not be forced to vote for other candidates.”

Gonzalez would map out three areas which will be platforms for Nader’s candidacy. They will address the following: election reform, poverty rate, and Iraq.

He would also take the chance to attack US GOP frontrunner John McCain and US Democratic frontrunner Barack Obama. They say that they do not agree with McCain’s policy on Iraq. In regards to Obama, Gonzalez attacked his unwillingness to commit to withdrawing all US forces from Iraq by 2013.

Nader also attacked their voting records.

It is possible that they will run as independent candidates. Nader said that he will not seek nomination from the Green Party. He explains that the Green Party already has four candidates that have been announced.

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