Rape and adultery in Pakistan

By Jamshed Ahmed Khan:

Victimizing the women in Pakistan on taking away their basic human rights is not a new phenomenon, all kind of violence against women is increasing continuously in all parts of the country, Rape is one of that violence!

According to recent reports of different non-profitable organizations of Pakistan, the increase in violence against women is a shameful fact for the authorities. In a very recent act of gang rape in Pakistani biggest populated province Punjab (Muzzafar Garh), a group of local elders ordered for the gang rape of 40 years old widow. She was allegedly raped brutally by men over the allegation of illegal relations of her brother with a local girl. A so-called rural council ´´ Panchait´´ was held on that issue which decided the shameful act. Police, as usual, knew lately or reached lately, they couldn’t rescue the victim but they arrested 3 men, and the members of ´´Panchaiat´´ were disappeared from the scene.

Rapes occur all over in Pakistan for many array of reasons- for revenge, for rejecting the marriage proposals, for the predatory men desire and lust, ethnic and religious reasons, family conflicts, men dominance in society etc. according to a report around 3000 women are raped in Pakistan every year, which is more than 8 every day. The victims of rape in Pakistan are in the age group of 7 years to 50 years old or above.

The confused laws make always troubles for the victims to prove themselves as a victim of rapes, due to certain laws most of the time the victims of rape considered as accused of adultery which gives the way of escape to the Rapists. The courts require 4 eye witnesses to verify the rape, and when they (victims) fails to provide 4 eye witnesses the victims are themselves arrests and imprisoned. The fear of social stigma pushes the victims to commit suicide and the ratio of committing suicide is getting stronger all the time. There are dozens of so-called non-profitable organizations in Pakistan works on women rights but they are failed to force the authorities to review and amend the laws which can easily differentiate the status of adultery and rape.


jamshed ahmed khan:
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