Rare Historical Relics

      The stone turtle intertwining with stone snake located by Yangtze river of china is a rare historical relics with long history of over one thousand years .Due to long years of exposing to wind and rain, it has been severely weathered ,but it still attracts horde of curious visitors far and near with its unique, lifelike image as well as profound ,historical cultural significance.

     The turtle is found in Lao Luzhou,a  huge barren mountain ,administered by Jiaotan Township ,Hejiang county ,Luzhou Municipality ,Sichuan province. Watching the panorama of the ordinary mountain ,can you imagine it was once a busy and prosperous city one thousand years ago.

    According to the local resident’s introduction ,long ,long ago ,there was no turtle at all .One night ,river flooded over, a huge stone was washed up by waves ,which was known to the governor of the city who esteemed it to be Magic Stone .He ordered best skillful stone mason to chisel it into a turtle intertwined by snake ,which made boats wrecks fewer since then .It was commonly suspected turtle was the direct criminal who ate boats and vessels .With a snake intertwined it, turtle was unable to play mischief .Apart from this ,there lies other relics.

    Considering their historical significance ,Luzhou government paid much attention to them by putting lots of efforts and fund into rebuilding Lao Luzhou ,for restoring it to original shape totally as same as one thousand years ago.

     So far ,this project has been discontinued for lack of enough fund,and there is no improvement but for a great wall along the river .When Will we be all eyes ,god knows.


Xiaofei Xu:
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