Reasons why Entertaining industry is youths’ employer
Entertaining industry is one major contributor of foreign exchange and local revenue in Kenya. Despite its importance in economic development, many parents are not ready to allow their children engage themselves in this industry. For instance, a parent will not allow his/her kid to develop his talent in music but will insist on classroom activities
The world could be such a boring place without entertaining industry. these is why you will find people buying sophisticated big screens, computers and sound system only interesting in the way they will make their life happier. Some go a step further to buying art and crafted commodities to make their life more luxurious.
Entertainment is majorly a service commodity suggesting you can’t carry or touch it but just to satisfy your emotions and feel good about yourself. Categories in entertaining industry include music, dances, movies, poems, books, magazine, internet, computer games, comic, and plays among others. From this, we can speculate that entertainment is wide and its significance ranging from social economical and political. Most politicians are orators and t uses their sweet language to entertain communicate their points audience. To this point the entertaining industry should be respected because of entertaining people tourist attraction stores history nature talent, solve unemployment, improves living standards, symbol of identification, culture promotion, promotes and national cohesion.
One of the tourist attractions apart from physical features and wildlife is entertaining. Most tourists enjoy watching traditional dances held daily at KICC. They come to Kenya to see a different entertainment lifestyle different from theirs. Contributing to Kenya earning foreign
The entertaining industry provides employment directly or indirectly to many Kenyans. These include Actors, comedians, musicians and other members of the public who are directly employed in the industry. Those employed indirectly include those who maintain clubs, theatre rooms, business people, and security personal among others. With this perception in mind, many people are employed in entertaining industry. Parents ought to allow their kids to participate in the industry to nurture their talents. This will reduce problems of over exploiting few white collar jobs available in the country.
Culture is transferred from one generation to the other through language. Aspects of culture are most performed through songs sports dances and trade. In such events which are done in society help to improve the culture. They are performed daily at the KICC. They include traditional dances traditional art and craft, traditional clothing competition and tradition meals. In all culture performed by musicians actors and models helps to promote cultures present in Kenya. Movies portraying African way of living are also popular among Kenyans in this Kenyan culture is preserved and promoted through the entertaining industry.
Children who engage themselves in entertainment curriculum like drama festival sport competition and music festival end nurturing their talents. Later in their life they become greater actors and sport persons. In this arena such children have bright future of getting a lot of money by winning competition nationally and internationally.
Lastly, most tourists not only come to Kenya to see wildlife but also to experience the unique entertainment of our great diversity entraining items practiced in Kenya. This shows out how entertaining industry magnets tourists towards our country as a tourist destination. Bull fighting among communities living around Kakamega is an entertaining aspect attracting tourist in the western region. Sports like mountain climbing which is popular in Mount Kenya region.
Some young communicate through sons and plays content. A person writes a story to entertain and at the sometime passing certain information to his audience. During Kenyan soap on major TV station are set to pass major issue effecting Kenyan in an entertaining manner. In the sceneries Kenyan gets to world and world beyond.
The entertaining industry is a major tool of preserving history of a community. Some important events which occur in our daily life are recorded and stored on electronic devices. Others are stored in songs stories and games which are passed from one person to the other. In this situation the industry plays a crucial role in storing information making sure it doesn’t vanish.