So much happens behind our government’s cozy corridors, offices and meeting places like the infamous five-star restaurants and other luxurious sites unknown to common Wanjikus. It’s no longer a secret that the security personnel have been turned into robots protecting the rich and their super wealth (unfortunately earned via ungodly channels). The Intelligence Men and Women are ever busy protecting their own necks and adding some meaningful girth to their ‘overflowing’ wallets.
Every Nairobian wants to drive by hook or crook. Every Kenyan wants to be rich and they are more than ready to go to any levels possible to achieve their cherished dreams and desires. Every single government employee is into ‘dirty’ business; forgery, corruption, blackmail and hell knows more!
In all these daily dramas, I and you are ever on the receiving end: either we are ‘collateral damage ‘ or inevitable victim of a major scandal orchestrated and perpetuated by our own brothers and sisters. There is really hardly anything to smile about: life is getting harder by the day…prices of basic commodities are skyrocketing and apparently there is seemingly a keen force whose ambition is to enslave us and make us even poorer.
For many years, especially so in the ‘developing’ and ‘third-world’ countries, the elite and the super-rich have always thrived courtesy of one simple rule: make your subject poorer so they are dependent! That’s not different with our case either. As sane Kenyans, a time must come when we shall have to rise up against such vices and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
This great country (bedeviled and shrouded a midst corrupted morals of a few individuals) needs an urgent, real and perhaps ‘an awful’ turn-around! It’s only an IDEAL REVOLUTION that will break us free from all these suffering inflicted upon us by a few guys who cares the world about their lust, wealth and exaggerated ego-centrism.
It’s time to hit the road and set the record straight once and for all! It’s time to come out of the woods; free, liberal, noble and focused than ever before with one purpose: LIBERATING OUR ENSLAVED COUNTRY FROM NEOCOLONIALISTS!
For too long a time (close to three score years now since independence), many a Kenyan is still starving, without shelter and perhaps going hungry every now and then. Yet we are daily reminded of the ‘citizenry’ eternal good-will gesture of never turning their back to their ideal pa & ma: we still can afford to solemnly recite the powerful words of the National Anthem under the unseen yet watchful, reproachful and domineering all-seeing eye of the government watchdogs.
Our forebears resorted to massive public looting, enriching their cronies and stashing our hard-earned till in safe havens overseas. They underpay our mothers and fathers, overtax every miserable soul and see to it that the status quo is never shaken, will never be shaken at all cost!
Too bad we’ve been brainwashed and turned into have zombies: we have been effectively made to believe that what ails you and I is our ethnicity or worse our tribal affiliations. I honestly long for a moment when each one of us will realize that we will forever have two tribes: THE SUPER RICH & THE POVERTY STRICKEN lot who can hardly afford a razor!
Such will be the moment when we can rise as a nation against any neocolonialism sentiments and oppressions generously dished out by the elite who are continuously trampling upon our vulnerability.
Such has to be the moment when we must say a BIG, FAT and ROUND NO to a click of ‘masters’ who would love to enslave us for as long as our meager pleasantries shall sustain our lives here on earth.
© 2013 Cheruo Levi Cheptora
Author: The Greatest Thieves of Kenya