Every one love to get something for nothing, but it very rarely happens. However credit card rebates give you that opportunity. If you have an existing credit card then you’re going to use it to make purchases anyway, so why not get a little extra back every time you use your card with these credit card rebates?
The idea of rebate credit cards has been around for quite some time. The concept works on the principal that a percentage of cash is retuned to the cardholder at the end of each year, based on the total amount of card charges. The more times you make a purchase with your card, and the more money you spend, the more money you get back. The percentage of money you get returned when you use your rebate credit cards varies. Some companies will offer excellent deals that give you up to 5% cash back on selected purchases, others offer rates starting at 1% on all purchases. This type of card was introduced primarily to keep the business of cardholders who purchase most of their goods by credit card, and who pay the outstanding balance every month