Recognizing genetically engineered food (GEF) at your grocery

      When one goes to the supermarket to shop, a person might not know exactly what he/she is buying. Is a fruit really a fruit, Is a vegetable really a vegetable so to speak? What is the difference between a vegetable that is Genetically engineered (GEF) and a regular piece of fruit? Is eating Genetically Engineered Food good for a person? How can I tell if it is GEF? Those are some of the most frequently asked questions usually thrown around among people.

       The scary fact is no, A person cannot tell just by comparing the two pieces of fruit/vegetables. The fact that companies do not label which are the GEF’s makes the choice a lot more difficult to tell.

       So the next question leads us to ask the question is it healthy and safe to eat these products? Some studies show us that a person’s immune system may get weak after consuming a large quantity of these products.GEF is not an organic food but rather an imitation. It simply does not have the properties that real organic food has. Another words, A person cannot duplicate a real vegetable’s nutritional values with artificial ones.

      In the end, It is really difficult for one person to determine what is Genetically Engineered and what is naturally a fruit/vegetable. These products will always be around, so there will always be that chance of getting something not too organic.

Oscar Trejo Jr:
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