A Toilet Seat And My Concept Of Reality.
I have what I call, an “H-T and W mind.” H-T and W, as in, how to and why or how things work. A lot our life we go from one thing, that someone else has researched, developed and sold, to the next without ever really doing anything that tells us how it works, anything that may give us some insight into why it quit, or considering what we can do to improve upon the design.
when I was young, I was so involved with my day to day living, I don’t remember a lot. Did I take things apart and put them back together, or just take them apart and walk away? As far back as I can remember though, I always wanted to know H-T and W. This didn’t make me the most popular student in school, especially when the teacher didn’t have an answer. Or when I was in the military. “Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die” made no sense to me and my questioning didn’t further that aspect of my life, especially when the teacher didn’t have an answer.
Working for others, after the service, was difficult even though I was a manager for a Caterpillar dealer and later for the world’s largest Loraine Crane dealer. Being in business for myself at twenty-seven solved that problem but created another which was not having enough time to figure out the H-T and W’s that came with the territory. After some period of time, it was possible to sort out the really important ones and just let the others be what they were.
By H-T and W’ing my way through life, I’ve found it costs a lot less to live and also made me a lot more responsible for the direction my life has taken, my reality. If I had to do something again, because it didn’t work out like I thought it would the first time, I didn’t have to do it a third time. Too many times, I’ve had things done by others that took four, five and more times to get it right and, very often, I ended up doing it myself anyway.
After one of the health classes I taught, two of my students asked me if all I did for money was teach an occasional class. I tried to explain it a couple of different ways but I don’t think they understood my answer, which was…”No, I’m also building our home.” “We know that’, one of them said, ‘but what do you do for money?’ My answer was the same. They couldn’t grasp the concept that I engineered the home, my wife designed the interior layout and I built it. Both students worked a forty hour week and had thirty year mortgages. We lived in our motorhome while I was building our home and the home was paid for in the three years it took to build.
With my background in the automotive parts and service business, I do all our auto service and repair except tires and alignment. That’s not only saved us a bundle of money, it has spawned a worldwide Internet business and allowed us to lower our fuel costs by an estimated $3000.00 over the years, and that’s a very conservative figure. $3000.00 doesn’t sound like much, but add a few $3000.00 together and it comes to some serious money.
Figuring in dollars per hour, today I made $150.00 per hour on a toilet seat. When we came back from our summer’s trip, we both noticed the toilet seat had taken on a stained yellow, brown appearance. We’re still not sure what caused it, but maybe it was the heat. We were busy trying to catch up from being gone, but the longer we looked at it the more we were convinced something needed to be done. The easy way was to look for a replacement but, since the toilet is a low water use type that’s usually used in boats and RV’s, none were available from local hardware stores. Celinda called the distributor and was told there were a couple of types and they would have to have the serial number. We looked but couldn’t find one, so Celinda made a very detailed drawing/sketch and sent it off. They called and quoted us $71.84 including shipping.
There wasn’t any structural damage or cracks and, in less than half an hour, with some wet and dry 400 grit automotive sandpaper, the problem was cured.
Now, I can go do other things, and after saving $71.84 on a toliet seat, I can do that without a guilty conscious after. I may also have found a new occupation if the need should ever arise. Niche marketing has always been good to me but toilet seat repair and trouble shooting doesn’t quite have an appealing ring to it. I’ll have to think about it.
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