Why such a film Slumdog Millionaire, which displays a very negative image about India – slums settlement, exploitation, poverty, corruption, anti-Muslim pogrom – create so much ripple in the Western world, pre-and post-Oscar?. India and why the government does not protest, as will be done by the Chinese government, for a depiction of the reality they have twisted
There are some answers: When the missionaries began evangeliced India, they quickly realized that not only the Hindu Religion was practiced by the majority of population, but the Hindu Religion in the roots and so this became the only hindrance to conquer the entire continent children.
Therefore, they decided to make bad opinion (demonise) of Hindu Religion, with exaggerate what they consider a lack of hundred-fold, such as the problem: caste, poverty, child marriage, magical, widows, (child children who marry while still hanging low, and “her husband” died before marrying predication, may not marry again, red), sati … .. and so on. Nowadays, brass-scale, which is based on the best quarter of the truth, has come up with us and has been embedded not only in the mind of the West, but also unfortunately, many of the Intellectual of Indian.
For Western people, constantly suffering from superiority complex syndrome of what is called the Third World in general and India in particular. Sitting in front of their television for news headlines (prime time news), with a steak on the table, they can feel happy sad because the poverty of others, they secretly puff their ego and feel happy and proud with what they call the “achievement”
That is why books such as “The City Of Joy” by Dominique Lapierre, who gave the impression that India is a residential slums area, or a film like “Slumdog Millionaire”, has so large.
In this film Slumdog Millionaire, enemies of India side by side., Billions of dollars that have been donated by the West that is not a sin for people to convert of India with the most poor inducement such as free of medical, school and loan money. (They Religion as middleman, red).
When you see the Tamil Nadu coast after the tsunami, there is a church every 500 meters. Once converted, the new Christian is taught that sin is to go down, doing Puja, or even put a tilak on their forehead, thus creating chaos in the psike India.
Islamic fundamentalism is also a barbaric hunt India, as indicated by the attack of 26/11 up Mumbai, the brutality and the savagery of a East Leng, who killed 1,000,000 people in the Hindu barbaric action.
The Indian communists, in power in the three States, is also working hard to destroy cultural heritage and spiritual India. And finally Americanisation of India are creating chaos in the social and cultural braided with India sheen that shallow, although this evidently fails in the western world. Slumdog play smart with all these elements.
Many of those specialis Western – India is anti-Hindu, as they grew up as a Christian and also preserve the tradition Max Müller, “The Sanskrit” the first said: “Veda with boyish, diverting, and even evil conception. The contents of boring, low, normal too, represents the human essence in a low level of temporal and be selfish and only here there is some sentiment that dating from the depth of the spiritual. ”
This tradition is forwarded by the Indologis such as Wendy Doniger Witzel or in the United States, and in France where the scholars in the institutions of government such as the CNRS and its affiliates EHESS, always write in the books and articles that they damage the image of India, such as: caste, poverty, slums settlement – and more than anything – about their pet theory of “Hindu fundamentalists”.
Is there lie the more rough?. Hindu religion has provided protection for centuries to those who tormented in his own, such as people – the Syrian Christian, Parsia peoples, Armenian people, the Jews of Jerusalem and now the Tibetans, they allow all practice their religion freely in India.
And finally, the truth is the Indians, because they are always so long occupation (unlike China) lack of nationalism. Nowadays a lot of India’s intellectual elite has lost touch with the root-root cultural and to the West to see their problems , neglect their own tools, such as Pranayama, Hata Yoga, or meditation, a very ancient and has a policy that is not limited.
Slumdog literally “to voided” since India’s first frame. Only present some of the moonshine astray in director Danny Boyle, because there is no scene in the book Vikas Swarup, an Indian diplomat, on which the film is based. In the book, the hero in this film (not a Muslim, but belong to different religions from: Ram Mohammad Thomas) does not spend a little time in Bombay, but the dip anti-Catholic upbringing in Delhi. Jamal is not the mother is killed by “The Hindu fanatics”, but she cast the baby, in the unknown, in one church. Jamal torture is not a television presenter’s ideas, but by a United States that Russia is pursuing the purchase of television rights reserved the game (Who Wants To Be A Millionaire). Landscape full tear of the three children who are removed in the middle of the rain, also not in the book. Jamal and the only female hero met when they were still teenagers and they lived in an apartment rather than in residential slums.
And finally, yes, there is still much poverty in India and in the chasm between the very – very rich and very poor, but there also have a remarkable property, whether physical, spiritual and cultural, more than that in the West as in the World a fact.
When the Westerns will learn to see with less prejudice to India, a country which will replace China in this century as a major Asian super power ?…… But this will require a new generation of Indologis, more sincere, less bound by the Christian values, they are already outdated, and the people of India more proud their culture and not subject to the West.