On December 12, 2014 Rep. Patrick Meehan of Pennsylvania engaged in heated debate on the House Critical Infrastructure Research and Development Act. His dire warnings of the situation we face is a wake up call to Congress, which has been lack on its responsibilities to address this issue of Cybersecurity and defense:
“Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 2952, the Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act. H.R. 2952 was originally passed by the House as the Critical Infrastructure Research and Development Act of 2014. The updated legislation passed this week by our Senate colleagues adds important cybersecurity workforce provisions to the bill from what is known as McCaul-Meehan, H.R. 3696.
As cyber attacks by hackers from around the world grow increasingly sophisticated, it is more urgent than ever to improve our ability to stop them. Currently, the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity Communications and Integration Center, NCCIC, must compete with big technology companies and cybersecurity firms for cybersecurity workforce, while DHS is limited in its ability to attract talented and well-trained cyber warriors.
H.R. 2952 will require the Secretary to assess the cybersecurity workforce currently in DHS and develop a strategy to enhance it. The assessment would look at cyber positions, readiness, training, types of positions, and its ability to carry out its cyber mission, with the ultimate goal of enhancing these capabilities and produce a recruitment and implementation plan. Finally, the bill also requires the Secretary to submit a report on the feasibility of establishing a cybersecurity fellowship program.
This legislation along with the others we have brought up today are important pieces in improving the overall capabilities of the Department of Homeland Security and its ability to carry out its cybersecurity mission. This is a critically important piece of legislation which enables the Department of Homeland Security to compete for what are very, very in-demand individuals with talent in the area of cybersecurity and protections.
Most significantly, it allows us to have the kinds of quality of individuals who can work in an equal capacity with the best of those who are in our other governmental institutions, and particularly those who are now working in the private sector. I believe that the capacity for DHS to attract these workers is critical to its mission. I continue to encourage the growth and development of that expertise.
I reserve the balance of my time.”
Source: Congressional Record
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