On December 12, 2013 Rep. David Price asked for and was granted permission to address the United States House of Representatives regarding the Iran nuclear deal. where he seems to be in agreement against passing more sanctions at this time which would otherwise undermine U.S. “diplomacy efforts.”
“Mr. Speaker, if the interim nuclear deal negotiated last month leads to a final agreement, Iran can be prevented from developing a nuclear weapon. This would neutralize one of the greatest threats facing the United States, Israel, and the international community and could set the stage for a new era of relations between Iran and the West.”
“The unprecedented sanctions already in place have brought the Iranian economy to its knees and the government to the negotiating table. We are entering these talks from a position of strength; we have a strong hand to play. But if Congress rushes through another round of sanctions or takes other action perceived as undermining the negotiations, we will be giving up our hand before we have a chance to play it. Iran would then have an excuse to walk away from the table, and the international coalition that has been so critical to the current sanctions regime could fracture, thus weakening the leverage we already have”, he said.
“There is no guarantee that a final deal is possible. But given the stakes involved, we simply must try, for the alternative is far worse. Iran would then be left to develop its nuclear program without supervision, and the U.S. could be drawn into another costly war in the Middle East. I urge my colleagues to support the interim nuclear agreement and oppose any attempt to undermine our country’s diplomacy”, said Rep. Price (source: Congressional Record, December 12, 2013 http://thomas.loc.gov).
Rep. Price is a ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.
It should be noted that Iran is the only Islamic country in the world to have issue a Fatwa (” religious decree”) against the use or possession of nuclear weapons – which it views as a huge sin (see video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95HuFUiAEig).
See related video: Fatwa Against Nuclear weapons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95HuFUiAEig