On July 19, 2014 Rep. Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin read into the Congressional Record the following statements regarding his financial net worth. They read as follows:
“Mr. Speaker, through the following statement, I am making my financial net worth as of March 31, 2014, a matter of public record. I have filed similar statements for each of the thirty-five preceding years I have served in Congress.
Single family residence at 609 Ft. Williams Parkway, City of Alexandria, Virginia, at assessed valuation. (Assessed at $1,378,823). Ratio of assessed to market value: 100% (Unencumbered): $1,378,823.00).
Condominium at N76 W14726 North Point Drive, Village of Menomonee Falls, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, at assessor’s estimated market value. (Unencumbered): Ð$129,700.00.
Undivided 25/44ths interest in single family Residence at N52 W32654 Maple Lane, Village of Chenequa, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, at 25/44ths of assessor’s estimated market value of $1,521,700: $852,152.00.
Total real property: $2,360,675.00.
American General Life Ins.
Liabilities: None.
Total liabilities: $0.00.
Net worth: $11,816,942.79.
I further declare that I am trustee of a trust established under the will of my late father, Frank James Sensenbrenner, Sr., for the benefit of my sister, Margaret A. Sensenbrenner, and of my two sons, F. James Sensenbrenner, III, and Robert Alan Sensenbrenner. I am further the direct beneficiary of five trusts, but have no control over the assets of either trust. My wife, Cheryl Warren Sensenbrenner, and I are trustees of separate trusts established for the benefit of each son.
Also, I am neither an officer nor a director of any corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin or of any other state or foreign country.
F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.,
Member of Congress.”
Source: Congressional Record http://thomas.loc.gov/
Sensenbrenner serves on the following committees and subcommittees in Congress:
Committee on Science, Space and Technology
Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security (Chairman; Judiciary)
Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet (Judiciary)