Research Says: Using Mobile Phones is More Harmful than Smoking



Smoking is injurious to health. But using mobile phones is more dangerous than smoking, according to the study undertaken by a researcher of an Indian origin. Though we cannot belittle the value of mobile phones that they can save lives in emergent situations, but there is a significant and increasing body of evidence linking mobile phone usage and certain brain tumors, which can lead to cancer.

This danger has far-reaching, broader, public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking, as said by the study’s leading author Dr.Vini Khurana, as quoted by the Independent  newspaper.

As revealed by WHO smoking kills some five million worldwide each year. But as per the study of Dr.Khurana based on his findings on an analysis of over 100 researches on the effects of cell phones radiation from mobiles could far more people than smoking’ ‘We are currently experiencing reactively unchecked and dangerous situation. This will be definitely proven in the next decade.’

The leading cancer expert is of the view that people should avoid using mobile phones wherever possible or as far as possible. And that governments and the mobile phone industry must take immediate steps to reduce exposure to their radiation.

Unless the governments and the mobile phone industries come forward with immediate and decisive steps, the incidence of malignant brain tumors and the associated death rate will be observed to rise globally within a decade from now, by which time it may be far too late to intervene medically’ according to him


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