Resentment affects health

How many of us resent others or hate others ? i think some of us would have  resented or hated people at one time or the other.

 How many times you would have heard from your teenager that I hate you . A teenage  student might resent his parents, as people who are invading his space or grudging his freedom . Sometimes we recent our boss when we fail to get promotion .

Let me recite an anecdote about how resentment brought illhealth . A young lady was admitted to a hospital with high fever and severe pains to her joints . the doctor  advised  her to be in the hospital for a week . But to his surprise he found her normal . He therfore discharged her . This happened once again . Talking to her he found that this girl was not interested in marrying a man. but her ather wanted her to marry as this will increase his business. This resentment  has turned into fever. But the moment she was admitted she was free from her resentment so she became ok .

Love all or at least be friendly and you will be healthy

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