(1888 PressRelease) Citizens decry the “pot shop” system and lack of parental consent; Cite state dispensaries as better alternative to help the sick and protect children.

Naples-Marco Island, FL – Families against Florida’s proposed constitutional amendment on marijuana plan to demonstrate at the corner of Golden Gate Pkwy and Goodlette Rd. in Naples, Florida on Thursday, September 4th at 4pm.

The rally is being sponsored by VoteNoOn2-Collier, a grassroots organization formed to educate voters about how the loopholes in Amendment 2 will lead to full legalization and unregulated pot shops throughout Florida, as seen in other states.

“If Amendment 2 passes, voters will have buyers’ remorse. It is not about helping the sick; it is about money, big business and doping our kids,” said Veora Little, VoteNoOn2-Collier Chair. “If Amendment 2 passes, Florida will have the most liberal medical pot law in the country. And the worst part is it will be a permanent change to our state constitution. That is why we are taking to the streets with our message.”

“There is no need for Amendment 2 as medical marijuana via state dispensaries was recently approved by the legislature and governor,” noted Little, who is a retired registered nurse anesthetist, “And marijuana extracts like Marinol, used to stimulate appetite and control nausea in cancer and HIV patients, are already available in Florida’s pharmacies.”

“Unlike the state dispensaries which are regulated and limited in number, Amendment 2 creates an uncontrollable number of pot dealers who can set up shop anywhere, even near schools,” says Little. “That is a far cry from what the voters think they are getting.”

“People are under the impression the marijuana t will just be for the very ill and that it goes through the pharmacy system. But there is no prescription required, only a recommendation. There is no age limit; kids can obtain pot. The words ‘other conditions’ mean pot for any reason, as we have witnessed in other states.” A recommendation, noted Little, entitles a person to an endless supply of marijuana and allows pot dealers to sell “edibles,” such as pot-infused candy, which have poisoned children in other states.

“So far, the voters have only heard one side of this debate as we are outgunned by the big marijuana lobbyists who have hit voters with a tsunami of misinformation. So we have to go directly to the people with this rally,” said Little.

“The pot industry is manipulating people’s compassion to trick them into full legalization,” said Little, “We have compassion for the suffering and want all medicines available to them, but we have to do it in a way that also has compassion for our children and preserves the family-friendly environment of our Florida communities.”

Contact: Veora Little, 239-450-2883; veoralittle ( @ ) gmail dot com


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