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Resolution of Kashmir issue will purge extremist forces existing in society:Mirwaiz

Kashmir’s separtist leader, Mirwaiz Omar Farooq

Srinagar, January 23,(Scoop News)_Kashmir’s separatist leader, Mirwaiz Omar Farooq, on Thursday addressed a seminar at House of Lords through video conferencing during which he spoke on the subject of “Lingering Kashmir dispute_ a threat to world peace”.

The government had denied him travel documents including passports from past one year therefore he could not participate in the seminar.

London Institute of South Asia (LISA) had invited separatist leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq to participate in a seminar on “Indo Pak relations” held at House of Lords in United Kingdom.

Mirwaiz said in the present world, like other issues, Kashmir dispute has also become a simmering issue that could break peace in the region.

He said that it was significant to understand Kashmir issue through historical perspective, adding, it was due the historical baggage that Kashmiris are suffering.

At the time of partition in the sub continent in 1947, APHC leader said Kashmir was not the part of the united India, adding, Kashmiris have always remained victim to the foreign rules of those like Mughals, Dogras and British.

Hence, he said that political future of the Kashmir remain undecided in 1947, adding, the UN, where India took the case of Kashmir, passed several resolutions over the issue and asked both India and Pakistan to hold refrendum in Kashmir so that people could decide their political future.

He, however, said the resolutions remained still unimplemented despite passing of six decades.

Mirwaiz while addressing the seminar said thousands of people were killed in Kashmir since 1989 for waging armed struggle for right to self determination.

Due to Kashmir issue,APHC leader said both India and Pakistan have fought wars and have armed themselves with nuclear weapons. He said Kashmir has thus become a nuclear flash point in south Asia where a small incident could trigger a nuclear war thus jeopardizing the security and stability of entire south Asia.

He further stressed that small friction between the two nations stirs bloody reprisal attack of which the Kashmiris living across the divided line are the worst victims.

He said that world powers like America, China, Britian and other international bodies like UN, NAM,European Union, SAARC, have always stressed upon the two countries to solve Kashmir issue,adding, they have even offered mediation to solve it for once and all.

Mirwaiz said instead India terms the dispute as its internal issue and contradicts the historical realities, adding, on the other hand, the country has deployed lakhs of its troops and equipped them laws to suppress the Kashmir’s struggle for freedom.

Despite APHC held many rounds of negotiations with India and suggested them to create steps to make atmosphere conducive for the talks,he said Indian state remained unmoved.

APHC leader told the participants that in present circumstances when talks were being given preference over violence to solve the issues around the world, the solution to the dispute should not be delayed since two nuclear powers are connected to the dispute and thus its results can prove to be lethal for the world peace. He said the international community should play its role to solve the issue to bring peace in the world.

Omar said it was also true that in changing global scenario, the world community is working hard to solve the issues on the planet earth to bring economic prosperity and alleviate poverty.

He said millions of people in sub continent are living under extreme poverty since both the countries are spending bulk of their budget on defense.

Hence the international community, he said should play its role and solve the Kashmir issue, political and historical context to bring lasting peace in the world. He said the solution of Kashmir issue would also purge the extremist forces existing in the societies who are hell bent to torment the world peace.

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