Prime Minister Gailani says time for midterm election is over and now general elections will be held after completion of his five years tenure of office, he has also condemned the undemocratic attitude of opposition members during budget session of National Assembly and had expressed his resolve that his party members will not do the same during Punjab provincial assembly budget session. Prime Minister Gailani is also of the view that Pakistan’s nuclear installations are quite secure and no one can capture these installations.
Meanwhile our able security agencies have saved the life of President Asif Ali Zardari and few conspirators bent upon depriving the president from right of life are arrested.
On 23rd of March ex Pakistani dictator General Parvez Musharaf is determined to reach Pakistan. PPP lead coalition government is doing prepartions to book him on charges of the murder of Muhtarima Benazir Bhutto at his arrival in Pakistan. His arrival after the period of ten months in Pakistan will be an interesting scene, his political party is still lacking popularity at national level, probably only security agencies men will gather to recieve him on airport at his arrival in Pakistan. Before his departure from Pakistan he had recieved guard of honor, probably at his arrival in March the scene at airport will be quite different.
During his stay in Great Britain and USA probably General Parvez Musharaf has learned the basics of democracy, right of life and property, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of movement and other fundamental rights of the people are practically given to the people of these both countries, he by himself is enjoying these rights their too, and guaranteed provision of these rights to the people of Pakistan is our prime national security concern, because, deprivation from these rights causes unrest, rebellion, armed struggles and sometimes revolution in society.
Prime Minister Gaailani has also vowed to secure majority seats in forthcoming senate elections for his party, if it happens then PPP lead coalition will be in a position to promote rule of law in Pakistan which was always a high point on agenda of PPP from the time of Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Thus the bloody scenes which were often visible in opposition rallies during Musharaf rule will become a rare possibility.
Written by
Abdur Raziq
M.phil US Study (International Relation-History)
Cell phone # 00923339607378
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