Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time revolves around the country in the previous Zelda games, "Hyrule." Like the rest of the Zelda games, you play Link the main character. Link lives with the elves but is treated like an outcast by all of them except for one. He gets a dream about a scary man chasing Princess Zelda out of the castle while it’s raining. Link meets his fairy Navi and gets summoned by the great Deku who is dying and needs him to break the curse. That’s how the story starts out.
Ocarina of Time provides an overall great storyline. The story is very engaging and you have to put forth hours into playing the game. A good storyline is reason enough to play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This game doesn’t fail to please the masses including myself with it’s deep and enchanting storyline. The storyline alone is going to have you putting numerous hours into the game.
There are plenty of sidequests such as collecting ghosts and capturing golden spiders that give you items to help defeat bosses. The sidequests are worth the play and these quests alone will have you putting in numerous hours aside from the storyline alone. The puzzles in the game take some time figuring out as well. If you’re into puzzles, then this is a game for you to play.
You can fish at a lake or go horseback riding. When horseback riding, you can shoot targets with your bow and arrow. That’s always fun!
An important feature is having to impress the different races. You learn horseback and archery from the thieves, learning how to set bombs from the gorons, swimming from the zoras, and so forth. You could be putting in more hours learning to impress these different groups of people.
Ocarina of Time is a very active game. It’s one of the games that made the Nintendo 64 sell itself. You can advance time, go back into time, and so forth. Overall, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has a very compelling storyline that will get your hands on the controller. There are many things to do which will have you playing hours to days. This isn’t your ordinary RPG.
If you’re a horror buff, there’s zombies.
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