Scrubs is a sitcom that has so far spanned 6 seasons with a seventh and final season planned. It was created by Bill Lawrence and is produced by Touchstone Television. The show follows the story of a young doctor named John Dorrian and his friends as and there day to day experiences at the hospital Sacred Heart.
The storyline is narrated from the point of view of the Main character J.D. but every now and then an episode will give narration to another character and in one episode gave it to three different characters.
The show spots many cameos from other famous actors acting as themselves or characters that just happen to look like them. One of the more notable ones being Micheal J. Fox as a visiting doctor with a serious case of OCD. The show itself made a cameo in the Muppet’s Christmas movie.
The show is reasonably well taken and has a fair sized fan following. Scrubs has a perfect blend of both comedy and drama allowing for a very satisfying experience.
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