Desperation? Clever PR stunt? Both?
A New York club owner is offering to foot the bill settling for Lindsay Lohan’s recent alleged theft of a pricey mink coat from 1 Oak. He’ll also buy her a new fur.
No it’s not an actual owner of 1 Oak, but a rival: John Englebert of Prime and Suzie Wong. Perhaps a little jealous of all the media attention his club neighbor is getting, JE is offering to settle the suit and buy Lindsay a coat.
Is he aware that the Russian woman suing Lohan is asking for six figures?
JE’s publicist sent the following "story" to GroundReport this morning:
"NEW YORK, NY – NYC Nightclub owner John "JE" Englebert of Prime nightclub and Suzie Wong Saki lounge is making an offer to Lindsay Lohan that she can’t refuse. After feeling bad about the stolen mink coat scandal in a neighboring Manhattan nightclub, JE is offering Lindsay a new $11,000.00 blond mink coat and to settle the model’s lawsuit against her.
Lindsay has always been a fixture and a party girl in his establishments and does not want her to catch a cold in this frigid start to the summer.
According to Mr. Englebert, "I know what it’s like to have mistaken identity. Many times people take the wrong coat thinking that it’s theirs at my nightclubs. I am offering to take Lindsay on a mink shopping spree with me, to have the coat of her choice. My motto has always been, "If the coat fits, buy it."