Categories: Opinion

Root crops best alternative against rice shortage

The rice shortage in the Philippines may have impacted a great deal on those in Luzon and other urban areas, whose staple food is really rice. But not much on those who grew up in rural mountainous areas where root crops have kept the local folks alive for many, many centuries now.

Of course, planting rice is also possible even without water. But this is only done after burning certain areas prepared for planting rice. Of course, the harvest is not much compared to those in irrigated ricefields. However, those in some parts of the Visayas have been used to eating just first class corn and other root crops, with fish and vegetables as viands.

Although meat is available occasionally as it is very expensive for the ordinary folks to buy. Largely dependent on coconut produce and fishing, population in the coastal areas have to make serious prayers so that no strong typhoons will come to pass by and twist those trees.

Therefore, it is much easier to point out that those who have been used to eating rice may not survive in the hinterlands in time of war? Sometimes, it is important that some of us will have to teach ourselves how to survive without rice. Believe you me, many of our upland farmers have learned to survive on root crops and other products of nature. But it is now a question of teaching our stomach to accept whatever food is available for the taking, rather than hanker for rice.

After all, root crops are rich in carbohydrates and could last one the whole day without snacks. If you come to think about it, it is more economical this way. It is possible, too, that people who subscribe to this routine could avoid being victimized by high blood pressure and other ailments associated to over-eating. Just another advice, if you want to economize on rice, better have first class corn grits and mix this with chunks of camote crops to make it more palatable to the ordinary taste. Then, have a fresh charbroiled fish ready as viand. Take note.

Al Jeratso: Al Jeratso is a freelance journalist, writer, poet and blogger. Many of his articles, touching on a wide variety of issues, appeared in major leading dailies and magazines both in Manila and abroad, including the United States and England. He held various editorial positions with several media organizations, the last of which was as senior news editor of a newswires organization in Manila.
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