Round 2 – McCain vs. Obama: Clash Over Iraq

US GOP frontrunner John McCain in front of an audience at Houston’s Rice University had continued to attack US Democratic frontrunner Barack Obama on the issue of Iraq. Previously, they argued on Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

McCain said that Al-Qaeda is in Iraq. Obama fired back saying that there was no Al-Qaeda in Iraq until Bush and McCain decided to invade Iraq.

Yesterday, Senator Obama said well then we shouldn’t have gone in, in the first place, and if we hadn’t gone in, in the first place we wouldn’t be facing this problem. Well that’s history, that’s the past,” McCain said addressing the audience.

He added: “What we should be taking about is what we’re going to do now. And what we’re going to do now is continue this strategy which is succeeding in Iraq and we are carrying out the goals of the surge, the Iraqi military are taking over more and more of the responsibilities.”

McCain who looks to be the eventual GOP nominee also addressed Obama’s accusation that he was living in the past.

“He’s wrong as usual,” McCain fired at Obama. He said that the comments from Obama were not logical. He added: “For Senator Obama to say that he would consider going back militarily if al Qaeda was in Iraq when al Qaeda is in Iraq is probably one of the more remarkable statements that has been made on American national security policy.”

Mathematically, McCain could possibly be the GOP nominee. However, nothing is set in concrete for the eventual Democratic nominee. Should Obama get the nomination, it is certain that he and McCain will continue to spar over Iraq.

Can Tran:
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