Rs. 71.38 cr Annual Plan approved for Kargil



Kargil/Srinagar, July 21 (Scoop News) – Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC), Kargil Tuesday approved annual plan outlay of  Rs. 7138.81 lacs for the current financial year in a General Council meeting held here under the chairmanship of Chief Executive Councilor, Kachoo Ahmad Ali Khan. Out of the total allocation, Rs. 5938.81 lacs have been earmarked as state share and Rs. 1200.00 lacs as loan component.

            Minister for Transport and CA&PD, Qamar Ali Akhon, MLA Zanskar Feroz Ahmad khan, MLC Kargil Syed Ahmad Rizvi, Executive Councilors Haji Ghulam Amir, Ghulam Rasool Nagvi, Syed Kazim Sabere, Punchok Tashi, Deputy commissioner/CEO LAHDC Kargil M.Rajive were present in the meeting. 

            Giving a brief presentation of last year’s physical and financial achievements, Deputy Commissioner/CEO LAHDC, Kargil M. Rajive said that an amount of Rs.8111.52 lacs were allotted under the District plan,, of which an amount of Rs. 5561.06 lacs were spent on implementation of various developmental schemes and welfare programmes in the district. He said the main reason for low expenditure was due to early snow fall that cut short the working season.

            Highlighting the achievements registered during last year, M. Rajive said 28.90 KMs road length were black topped, 88.64 KM length Mettled/Shingled and 112.36 KM made fair weather. He further said that Rs. 289.88 lacs were utilized on completion of Phosathang Canal besides boys hostel at Bemina Srinagar was also completed. He informed that 26 new irrigation schemes were taken in hand under district plan. He disclosed that under PHE sector 35 hand pumps were installed. He also highlighted the targets achieved under Health, Education, Power, Social welfare, Agriculture, and other allied sectors.

            Addressing the meeting Chief Executive Councilor Kacho Ahmad Ali Khan asked the executing agencies to strive for completion of target both on physical and financial with a fixed time frame without compromising with quality. He impressed upon the officers to personally monitor the development works and implement the programmes and policies of the Government as per set guidelines.

            In his address Transport and CA&PD Minister, Qamar Ali Akhoon asked the HODs to work with dedication and endeavour to come upto the expectations of people. He also complimented LAHDC, Kargil and district administration for their sincere efforts towards boosting development of the district and assured full support of the Government.



Scoop News: Jammu and Kashmir
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