Rush Limbaugh – Historian???

Well, after a long break – since I was kind of pleased with the way things were going, politically at least – it is time to break my silence and start shooting off my mouth again.  Note the below quote from that great American conservative and historian, Rush Limbaugh:

We believe that the preamble of the Constitution contains an inarguable truth, that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, freedom — and the pursuit of happiness,"

….and the people cheered…and yelled..and hailed him as the great conservative stadard bearer. This at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, a meeting of young Conservatives who want to "take back our country."  May God (a liberal one) protect us from these people.  May He, or She, protect us, in particular, from Conservatives and their leaders who so love our country and our founding documents, but who don’t know which document is which. Limbaugh’s quote is from the Declaration of Independence, not the Preamble to the Constitution.  So, now we know that Rush – or his speechwriter – knows very little about American history.  We also know that they care very little about the average American.  What we have to hope is that the American people care even less about Rush and his legions — please….

David Mintzes: I am a native New Yorker, although I lived in the Boston area for a number of years as well as in northern New Jersey. A graduate of Queens College (CUNY) with a BA in Political Science & History, I went on to Boston University, graduating from BU Law School in 1972. After practicing Employment Law in Boston, NJ and NY for almost thirty years, I changed careers, returned to school to earn a Masters in Education, and now teach History, Political Science and Employment Law as an Adjunct Professor at Mercy College. I am employed full time as a High School Social Studies teacher at a district in Westchester. I am married and have two sons. One graduated from college last spring and will be going on to grad school in the fall, and the other is graduating from college next year.
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