It is known that during annexation of Crimea in 2014 Russia illegally seized two jack-up rigs (“Petro Godovanets” and “Ukraine”) from the area of the Odessa gas field. In this November they were illegally relocated and on December, 15 an oil rig “Tavrida” was set to replace them. The “Tavrida” had been previously located close to the Crimea.
Thus, Russia has rudely violated the international maritime law once again. Occupying the maritime economic zone of Ukraine and building up its military presence Moscow obviously calls Kyiv to coercive scenario and threatens Ukraine with a maritime blockade, reasoning such actions with the necessity of drilling rigs and oil platforms security.
At the same time other countries, including the EU and NATO members, are jeopardized by direct war provocations in this zone and they can be involved by Russia into a military conflict in the Black Sea region.
In the circumstances, the western world should immediately impose new and strengthen existing economic and political sanctions against Russia, so as to prevent coercive development of situation and to bring Russia to international legal responsibility.
Purely peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict is a key to the European stability. It is significant that in spite of Russia’s naval aggression Ukraine calls primarily to peaceful settlement of the problem.