On January 10 2014 Russian President Vladmir Putin appointed Igor Komarov the new Deputy Head of the Federal Space Agency – the Russian equivalent to America’s NASA Assistant Administrator. There he indicated, among other things the establishment of a new corporate space venture called: “United Rocket and Space Corporation” which will offer stock options in the summer of 2014.
His comments after his appointment and during a meeting with President Putin are most interesting:
“Mr President, thank you for your confidence.
I understand that the sector has enormous significance for our nation. It is a special sector that is very closely tied to the history of our country. I greatly value the help provided by the heads of companies, the contacts established with them, and the help of Mr Ostapenko and Roscosmos leadership in getting to know the details and projects in the sector in order to ensure that they are carried out on time, impeccably, and as efficiently as possible.
We are now working on establishing the United Rocket and Space Corporation, which we plan to register by April, creating a supervisory authority; in the summer, we will transfer the corporation’s shares to joint stock companies and thus complete the first stage of its formation. During the next stage, in 2015, we will complete the auctioning of federal state unitary enterprises and form the configuration of the corporation as it was outlined in the Executive Order”, said Igor Komarov, the Deputy head of the Federal Space Agency in Russia.
President Putin responded accordingly:
“It is a very big job, and mistakes here would be simply unacceptable. We need to look at this entire sector very carefully and attentively and not miss out on anything. We must optimise it so that it functions technologically and organisationally at the highest level. As for the financial side of things, for the economic component, we must make sure the sector meets modern demands.”
IGOR KOMAROV: “Yes, Comrade of course, we understand the importance and magnitude of the objectives set before us, and we will do everything to meet them.
Source: Kremlin http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/6505
Igor Komarov is a man of extreme intelligence – he was former head of President of AvtoVAZ since August 2009. He joined AvtoVAZ in May 2009 as Executive Vice President of Strategy, Finance, Economic and Corporate Governance. A dossier described him as “scary intelligent.”
He began his career as an Engineer at the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Institute of Economic Studies of Scientific and Technological Development.
Komarov then held several senior positions in the banking sphere from 1992 to 2002: he was First Vice President of Inkombank, First Vice President of the National Reserve Bank and Deputy Chairman of the BoD at Sberbank.
From 2002 to 2008, he was Deputy General Director of Economics and Finance at Norilsk Nickel. In 2008, he took a position as Advisor to the General Director of Rostechnologies.
He graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in Economics (source: Unclassified “open source”, based on foreign news report and private intelligence sources in Russia).