Another day in December should live in infamy, December 10th, 2008 saw International Human Rights day marked by a humanrights march in Managua, Nicaragua assaulted by Sandinista thugs (New York Times, Thursday 11 December 2008 "Nicaragua Human Rights March Assailed" by Blake Schmidt). He reports stones hurled and signs destroyed by the Sandinistas. The ombudsman, Omar Cabezas, smeared the human rights marchers "They’re in bed with the big capitalists." Protesters have denounced the Sandinistas for allegedly rigging local elections November 10th. Where are the protesters in London, Paris, Berlin, New York and universities around the world? Sandinista repression is met with silence from the self-styled progressives around the world
The Sandinistas have banned two opposition parties (one is called the Sandinista Renewal Movement) after the Sandindista cut a deal with a former Conservative Party president Aleman and returned to power with Daniel Ortega as president. Where were the protesters in London, Paris, Berlin, New York and universities around the world?
Wrong does not become right depending on who does it. Hypocrisy must be faced up to and denounced at every turn.
For an interesting blog see
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(About the author: Richard Cooper is an international trade executive with a manufacturing firm on Long Island, New York, USA. He is active in the Libertarian Party on eminent domain and other issues. He was chair of the Libertarian Party of New York He is a life member of the International Society for Individual Liberty
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