Sarkozy, or the man who has been told he is fashion!

On 31st July, the acclaimed American magazine Vanity Fair decided to publish a ranking in which Nicolas Sarkozy (yes, the French president!) was to be the most controversial entry.

He was not competing for being the most important man in the world, eventhough that is probably what he thinks since he was able to unblock the European Union through a treaty rather than a constitution or manage to get the release of five Bulgarian nurses in Lybia where years of diplomatic bids had failed. Let’s just say that Nicolas Sarkozy doesn’t need to compete in such a contest for he already has a high opinion of himself.

No, Sarkozy was consecrated as nothing less than one of the best looking man in the world! Alongside Brad Pitt, David Beckham, George Clooney and Lenny Kravitz, he makes it in the 68th Annual International Best-Dressed List! Amy Fine Collins, journalist in charge of the special edition of the magazine, explained that: “Nicolas Sarkozy is a world-class dresser. He’s dashing, manly and romantic, with a very appealing sense of humor and ease. We like the Prada suit he wore to his inauguration, and we wouldn’t change a thing about his wardrobe — not even his jogging attire.” (September 2007 issue)

Problem being: Amy Fine Collins, if she does write in Vanity Fair, seems to pretend knowing anything about fashion when we can seriously doubt it! I don’t know much about fashion myself, I admit it (but I don’t write in a fashion magazine, or do I?…), but when I recently had a look at some of Amy’s pictures I got puzzled! Re-thinking what she said about Sarkozy, I can only conclude that: either she is making fun of him (which would not be very nice at all… he is the president of a very respectable country!), or she simply has a very bad taste. And I came to the conclusion that I would really never trust her to choose a suit for me when going to a very important conference!

Well, judge it yourself… really… I know it is painful to the eyes… but you must have a look at the following pictures… good luck! (by the way, click on the pictures to enlarge them… I dare you!)

– Amy with her great and beautiful hat… hum (http://jnpaquet.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/amy3.jpg)

– Amy amazing in her dress… who said it looks like a 70’s wallpaper? (http://jnpaquet.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/amy1.jpg)

Finally, Amy always great taste… euh… can I have a glass of water? I think I am going to faint… (http://jnpaquet.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/amy4.jpg)

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