Riyadh, 15/07
I was shocked when I read in the newspaper that Saudi Arabia will purchase military equipment from Russia just to reduce diplomatic tension. King Abdullah just wanted Russia to reduce military cooperation with Iran in the future.
It turns out, Saudi Arabia offered very interesting military purchasing contracts to Russia in the future if Russia agrees to their first statement. New Russian prime minister, Medyevev said that with whom Russia will cooperate will still remain free without interference. About Iran, they have important military joint cooperation such as assisted Iranian to built nuclear reactor for "energy".
Saudi Arabian said that they wanted air defence systems , choppers and tanks from Russia, and Russia said that they will make a good relationship with Iran no matter what
US stated before, that they’d allow Israel to sudden attack to Iranian nuclear reactor location. Israel said that they were ready to use Hadittha airbase for assaulting purposes in the future. But both Iraqi and the US denied this news. The US offered to normalize their relationship with Iran ie. reopen the embassy.
The latest news said that Iran is approaching Suriah for recent high tension in the mid east.
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