Save Your Money on Food & Drink

This article will discuss some of the ways you can cut back your expenses on purchased food and water.

Food Purchased at Markets

You can save hundreds of dollars a year by shopping at the lower-priced food stores. Higher-end grocery stores may have a
nicer, brighter, more spacious shopping area, but you are paying for that in the form of higher prices. Some grocery chains offer a "preferred" customer card, supposedly to give you the best price over the "non-preferred, non-cardholding" customers. You would probably be unwise to shop at these stores without such a card (although it may be necessary when traveling, etc.),
but you would be even more wise to look elsewhere. Sometimes that "preferred" customer price is higher than the regular price
at the store just down the street. Resist that urge to shop at the convenience store on your way home; you pay for that
convenience in the form of often significantly higher prices.


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