Tooth pain is one of the most terrible things, especially when the affected one is wisdom tooth. However, not everyone on Earth has the same experience and some of us might never know how unbearable it is.
For those who are seriously concerned about it, wisdom tooth pain is claimed to be a revolution’s sign that human beings developed to adapt to their past diet. After the cooking methods and items, such as knives or forks, appeared, there is no need for wisdom tooth any more.
Normally, wisdom tooth has to be removed in order to prevent more serious consequences, such as bacterial or viral infections.
Natural Home Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain
Although the pain is severe and you often resort to medical intervention, you can use several natural ingredients to treat wisdom tooth pain.
Following are top 9 natural home remedies for wisdom tooth pain that can be effective to alleviate your pain.
1. Clove
For long, clove has remained a traditional home remedy for wisdom tooth pain in various parts of the world. Not only is it effective for wisdom teeth, but it also works for other types of pain. It is acceptable to use clove oil or raw clove. You just need to simply put it in the mouth so that its juice covers your wisdom teeth. In case you go for clove oil, it should be applied directly over affected teeth.
2. Peppermint
The most popular application of peppermint in oral treatments might be for bad breath and sore throat. However, you should be aware that it is another home remedy for wisdom tooth pain as well. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities are strong enough to reduce the risk of potential infections.
If you can afford peppermint leaves, you ought to crush them in the mouth directly. Meanwhile, you can soak a cotton swab into peppermint extract and dab it over your wisdom teeth so as to relieve the pain.
3. Ice Pack
Even when no ingredient in this list is available in your house, you can still find one of the most effective home remedies for wisdom tooth pain. Ice pack can be applied right on your cheeks in order to alleviate pain and inflammation caused by this problem. This should last about 15 minutes and you can reapply as many times as you want. Yet, it is important to note that you had better not use ice directly on the mouth because it probably worsens the situation.
4. Olive Oil
Containing many important minerals that are associated with pain reduction, olive oil is one of the best natural home remedies for wisdom tooth pain. It has been used for years to deal with pain. You should use warm olive oil and apply it over your wisdom teeth a few times on a daily basis. The results will be seen quickly.
5. Garlic
Although nasty smell can result from garlic, it is undeniable that garlic is one of the best natural home remedies for wisdom tooth pain. It has various qualities that meet the need of pain treatments, such as anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Thanks to garlic, you can avoid bacterial infections, which are the consequence of open wounds in wisdom teeth.
The best way is to chew garlic cloves directly. If you want better effects, salt should be mixed with garlic first. If you cannot use raw garlic, it is useful to include garlic more often in cooking.
6. Black Tea
Black tea is not only a useful drink to relax your stomach after big meals, but also a good natural treatment for wisdom tooth pain. It contains some nutrients that have positive effects on swelling and painful feeling. It is recommended that you sip a cup of warm black tea slowly. This will have soothing impacts on your wisdom teeth almost instantly.
7. Cayenne Pepper
Spicy as it seems, cayenne pepper is the next home remedy for getting wisdom teeth pulled that you should remember. Even though burning sensation appears at first, you should not worry about that. It is only the sign that this ingredient is useful. Powdered cayenne pepper should be combined with water to have a thick paste. Then, get it applied on the teeth. A few minutes later, you will feel a little burning sensation and an improvement in these areas.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
This liquid has been widely used as a natural painkiller for ages because of its medicinal qualities. You can also make use of it as one of the best natural home remedies for wisdom tooth pain that take effects quickly. All you need is a cotton ball that is dipped in this vinegar and placed over your wisdom teeth. Ten minutes is a sufficient amount of time and you can repeat applying this method 2-3 times every day.
9. Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass has amazing effects on the treatment of tooth pain. The suggestion for those who are struggling with wisdom teeth is to use its juice to rinse their mouth regularly. It serves as a natural mouthwash that eliminates bacteria and toxins from your mouth. As a result, you will be safe from infections and pain. In order to get the best results, you should always use fresh wheatgrass.
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