Scary Sabbath Sermon








Have you ever been sitting in Church on the Sabbath, listening to your Pastor delivering his Sermon, and suddenly become scared to death because of the information the Pastor was sharing?

This past Sunday, It happened to me.

The Pastor was delivering his Sermon on MATTHEW: 5: 43-44; about loving my enemy. Usually, when I’ve heard a sermon on this topic in the past, my thoughts would go to this person or that person who had wronged me. Maybe even my thoughts might roam to my wife, and some argument that was not yet resolved, but never has my thoughts gone to some total stranger, someone whom I had never even met in my life.

The Pastor’s Sermon was about how Christian Churches in “First World Countries” like Germany, France, Spain, Great Britain Canada, the USA; and many other “First World Countries were slowly being closed down due to lack of congregation attendance and were being swiftly replaced by of all things, Islamic Muslim Mosques.

But that wasn’t the scary part of his Sermon.

What was scary though, was that the native populations of these various countries were not having children in order to replace the population now dying off by age or disease, they were limiting the size of their families to being a nuclear family maximum of (4) two parents and two children, while Muslim families were breeding like rabbits having (4 and 5) children.

The population of these “First World Countries” were now approximately 20-25 percent Muslim and over the next as short as 10 years, by the year 2025, through immigration and breeding the Muslim population could and should be more than 60 percent of every country in the civilized “First World”.

What is really scary about this is that this Muslim fringe faction known as ISIS has struck-out against ordinary citizens, beheading them in public and they are now threatening to strike-out and kill members of any and all countries who would oppose them.

When Christianity began after the resurrection of Jesus, Rome, being the ultimate power at the time sought out Christians persecuting them and killing them turning them into “Martyrs” for the cause because the Christians stood up for their belief and their faith.

If  the Islamic, Muslim peoples continue their populating of other countries as they have been doing,  we could face another “World War” a religious war to rescue Christianity from uprising Muslims like ISIS who are telling people of all nations even now “It is Our way, or the Highway” and backing up their statement by beheading, killing those who oppose them.

As a Christian, I am not afraid to stand up for my God, my beliefs, my faith. Death doesn’t worry me one bit, for I have as a reborn Christian already died to sin and been resurrected with Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Redeemer, and as my Brother, I know that I have the protection of Jehovah my God and my Father.

At the beginning I said that I was scared to death, and that’s true. I was scared because others that I know and care about and love have not whole-heartedly accepted Jesus into their lives and I am scared for them.   


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