Science now tells us that human species are not actually the main contributors to global worming

1.       Science now tells us that human species are not actually the main contributors to global worming

2.       Are we being fooled here or what? At this stage science should have been at least realize we are not fooled by false theories and there is a time when we should say enough is enough .How long will it be till science realizes that they not paranormal beings or some superstitious species to think they first put the blame on humans and now its nature itself that apparently being destroyed is destroying itself. A group of scientists have apparently endeavoured to prove a new so-called theory that sun is and the stars are the main contributors to global warming a phenomenon that terrifies a lot of people which is defined as an increase in the world’s temperature, believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse effect. This scientist believe that the sun is getting closer to the earth’s ozone layer and that suns temperature has gradually increased over the years due to stars declining over the sun which then when miscellaneous together causes gradual increase in the suns temperature. However with all these theories perplexing us and cause hoodwinking to others we need to question sciences credibility in all their facts. The core fact remains that the worlds environment is in dilemma and with this new theory only causing more fear is not helping anyone science should now mostly focus on suggestive methods and not always scare us like silly bucking dogs.

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