Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technical process with cardinal aim – to get top ranks on a search engine for a website in concern. Irrespective of how it is being done, SEO walks in pursuit of just this by deploying varied tactics which usually boils down to one thing- creating back links. The higher the number of good quality back links, the higher the probability of getting top ranking positions.
Where internet marketing is concerned, it is wholesome process that aims to look at the overall strategy that goes into force into generating larger exposure for the client. It is considered to be broad in scope as it not only looks at search engine visibility but also creative aspects such as online advertising, design and development, promotional activities etc. In a nutshell it is both a creative and a technical process.
Search engine optimization is often a viable tool to be used in an internet marketing campaign. For instance: when trying to promote a client on a forum it is advisable to rope in SEO that can generate a great deal of back links by lots of posts, irrespective of quality of posts.
To use such forums for marketing, there is a need to employ fineness that goes beyond just dumping lots of posts. This calls for high-quality content generation that can help ensure authority of the page on a topic without even having links in the signature. When the page is perceived to have authority and quality, back links can follow that can help generate highly targeted traffic and subsequently good rankings.
Having a good quality, content rich posts helps sustain a ranking of a page, which mere back links cannot achieve alone. Often sites with low quality links and content are pushed back in the ranking and search result. Hence it is advisable to have good quality content to enjoy a long stay on top slots.