Senior level commander confirms Iranian ships armed with deadly accurate Qader anti-ship cruise missiles

Rear Admiral Ali Razmjou.

A senior level commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps reiterated the IRGC’s “constant watch on the movements made by the enemies and trans-regional states in the region.”

“The IRGC Navy, the Second Naval Zone in particular, fully monitors all moves in the region and will it not be indifferent towards any aggressive movement,” Commander of the IRGC Second Naval Zone Rear Admiral Ali Razmjou said on Thursday.

He underlined that that IRGC Navy is equipped with state-of-the-art military equipment to monitor all movements of foreign forces in the region.

On April 7, Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri said the IRGC has “equipped its fast attack crafts with indigenous Qader (Capable) anti-ship cruise missiles.”

Iran unveiled its home-made Qader anti-ship cruise missile in September 2011.

The 200-kilometer (124-mile) range missile reportedly enjoys automatic digital pilot system, high-precision navigation systems, high-precision striking capability, anti-jamming radar systems and a rapid deployment capability.

The Qader is a medium-range anti-ship cruise missile developed by Iran. The missile called “Qader” (Able) is built by Iranian scientists and has a high destructive ability against coastal targets and warships, including those belonging to the United States Navy, which currently patrol the Gulf of Hormuz.

We contacted the Pentagon for comment in this matter and officials declined that opportunity.

See related article: Iran outfits its speedboats with anti ship missile capabilities http://www.examiner.com/article/iran-outfits-its-speedboats-with-anti-ship-missile-capabilities

See also: U.S. aircraft carriers vulnerable to supersonic “anti ship” missileshttp://www.examiner.com/article/us-aircraft-carriers-vulnerable-to-supersonic-sunburn-anti-ship-missiles

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